MACE: Deliverable JD8 - Report on training

Marcus Specht, Dirk Börner, Martin Wolpers, Roland Klemke, Marion Fischer, Stefaan Ternier

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic

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    The objective of the MACE project is to interlink repositories to provide simplified access to digital, architectural learning resources. Gaps resulting from autonomous design, implementation, funding, and maintenance are bridged by implementing conceptual tools (ontologies, glossaries, and standards), interfaces and metadata agglomeration. Consequently, MACE will create innovative e-learning tools that help both expert users and laypeople to find, tag, acquire, use, and discuss contents from many architectural repositories that previously had limited accessibility. Even though the MACE software is designed to be as self explanatory as possible, it offers a variety of services and tools. In this context, this document reports on how users of MACE are trained to use MACE tools and to integrate with MACE tools.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Feb 2009


    • MACE
    • training
    • metadata


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