MACE: Joint Deliverable "Functional prototype for metadata tools and concepts"

Marcus Specht, Martin Wolpers, Dirk Börner, Stefan Apelt, Stefaan Ternier

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic

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    This deliverable describes concepts and functional prototypes developed in MACE. Its goal is to describe the prototypes for metadata enrichment developed in the MACE project so far. As a joint deliverable, it is a collection of the following deliverables listed in the Description of Work: - D3.2 Functional Prototype for usage metadata - D4.3 Functional Prototype for contextual metadata - D5.2 Functional Prototype for competence and process metadata - D6.3 Functional Prototype for content and domain metadata For each deliverable, a separate chapter is included so that references to the planned deliverables can be derived easily. In addition, this deliverable is strongly connected to Joint Deliverable JD5: "MACE toolset and infrastructure, prototype", also due in M15.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2 Feb 2009


    • MACE
    • metadata
    • tooling


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