Mobile augmented reality with audio, supporting fieldwork of Cultural Sciences students in Florence

Stefaan Ternier, Fred De Vries, Dirk Börner, Marcus Specht

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    In this paper the use of augmented reality with a smartphone for fieldwork of Cultural Sciences students is discussed based on two pilots in Florence. A tool named ARLearn developed to support different learning in different contexts using the multimedia capabilities and location based service on smartphones. In the pilots assignments were given in spoken messages and students collected notes by recording their own voice and taking pictures of artifacts in Florence. The use of the tool for fieldwork helped students with systematical collection of data for their essay. The educational design and ARLearn toolkit is developed further to enable individual fieldwork students and other educational scenarios.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Aug 2013


    • mobile learning
    • ARlearn
    • augmented reality
    • cultural sciences
    • Florence
    • fieldwork


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