MOOC design analysis - Constructive alignment, interactions, task complexity, formative assessment & feedback

Julia Kasch, Peter Van Rosmalen, O. Firssova, F.M.R. Brouns, Marco Kalz

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic

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    The aim of this presentation is to introduce and open up a discussion on scalable designs for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Since little research has been done regarding scalable (MOOC) design little context-independent design guidelines can be found. By getting insight in the scalability of MOOC design we ought to find a balance between scalability and quality. Quality is approached via the theory of constructive alignment and three interaction types. Both, constructive alignment and interaction are said to improve the quality of learning by facilitating deep learning experiences for students (Biggs, 2003; Blumberg, 2009; Wang, Su, Cheung, Wong & Kong, 2013). According to the concept of constructive alignment, learning goals/outcomes should be aligned with learning activities and assessment (Biggs, 2003). Students should engage actively in relevant learning activities to construct knowledge and to achieve the intended learning outcomes (Biggs, 2003; Blumberg, 2009). Next to constructive alignment, interaction can have a positive impact on deep learning and the quality of education (Anderson, 2002; Bernard et al., 2009). This article focuses on three interaction types common in the educational context: student-student (SS), student-teacher (ST) and student-content (SC).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2016
    EventEARLI SIG 6/7 Conference 2016: Learning and Instruction at the Crossroads of Technology - University of Burgundy, Dijon, France
    Duration: 24 Aug 201626 Aug 2016


    ConferenceEARLI SIG 6/7 Conference 2016


    • SOONER
    • MOOCs
    • Scalability
    • Educational design
    • design analysis
    • NRO/NWO


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