Networked Professional Learning: An Introduction

Allison Littlejohn, Jimmy Jaldemark, Emmy Vrieling - Teunter, F.J. Nijland

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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    The book draws together the work of 35 experts across 6 countries spanning 3 continents, including Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Australia, Israel and the UK. The book will be of interest to researchers in the area of professional and digital learning, higher education managers, organizational Human Resource professionals, policy makers and students of technology enhanced learning. A unique feature of the text is that it not only provides examples of Networked Professional Learning, but it questions the impact of this emerging form of learning on work practice and interrogates the impact on the professionals of the future. To achieve this goal, the book is structured into three sections that explore networked professional learning from varying different perspectives, questioning what are legitimate forms of networked professional learning (Part 1 on Networked Professional Learning across the Professions), how new forms of professional learning impact the Academy (Part 2 on Higher Education) and what is the value creation that Networked Learning offers education professionals (Part 3 on Teacher Education).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationNetworked Professional Learning
    Subtitle of host publicationEmerging and Equitable Discourses for Professional Development
    EditorsAllison Littlejohn, Jimmy Jaldemark, Emmy Vrieling-Teunter, Femke Nijland
    Place of PublicationCham
    Number of pages11
    ISBN (Electronic)9783030180300
    ISBN (Print)9783030180294
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • Networked Professional Learning
    • informal learning
    • teacher education
    • higher education


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