Networking to Learn & Learning to Network: Skills, Values and Technology

Kamakshi Rajagopal, Cristina Costa

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Abstract/Poster in proceedingAcademicpeer-review

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    In networked learning, other people are a valuable part of the learner’ progress. To perform well in networked learning, learners need to be able to identify their own (learning) needs and identify the people who can help them with their learning. This entails that they also need to be able to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, but also that of others. Networking is essential to succeed in this learning environment. It revolves around a complex skill of the learner to (i) recognize and identify the other’s qualities and to (ii) make (valuable) associations of these qualities with the learner’s own needs. This skill could take place at the moment of interacting with someone or even in that person’s absence. In recent years, technology has also played a big role in enhancing networked learning by supporting connections and interactions between people. However, does technology also encourage the development of the networking skill? Do people network better by using technology? In this workshop, participants will discuss networking and the role of technology in developing these skills.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProcedings of The PLE Conference 2011
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2011


    • personal learning network
    • networked learning
    • networking skills


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