Open Source

Harrie Martens, Marc Verhooren

    Research output: Working paper / PreprintWorking paperAcademic

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    The Open University of the Netherlands uses since its start in the early 1980's computers to support its own organization as well as to enhance the learning experience of its students. Over the years all different kinds of hardware and software platforms have been used. But there has always been one common denominator; all software used was closed, proprietary software. This included all the software which was developed in house or by subcontractors. The technology development programme of OTEC recently expressed an interest in looking into other kinds of software like non-closed, non-proprietary software. This kind of software is generally referred to as 'Free Software' or as 'open source software'. But new ideas inevitably bring new misconceptions with them. Many people have different perceptions on the ideas behing free software or open source software. This report will try to clarify these issues by clearly defining and explaining these terms. Furthermore it will show the advantages and disadvantages of the open source definition. It will also discuss the open source development method, called 'Bazaar style' and give criteria on when to choose or not to choose for open source. Finally, this report will look at the way the technology development programme benefits from open source software and open source development.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Jun 2003


    • hardware platforms
    • software platforms
    • free software
    • open source software
    • open source


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