Open VM Competence Framework

Olga Firssova, Kamakshi Rajagopal

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    To establish the conceptual framework on Open Virtual Mobility learner skills and competences a study was conducted involving experts on both Virtual Mobility and Open Education. This study was aimed at answering two questions: which skills and competences do learners acquire and build when participating in Open Virtual Mobility Activities and which contextual factors determine Open Virtual Mobility Activities? The paper presents the OpenVM competence framework with its eight learner competences. It gives some background on the study that was conducted to define the competence framework, and goes into much detail on the competences are part of the OpenVM competence framework. This paper addresses the concepts of Virtual Mobility and Open Education, and how they interrelate. This paper is intended for anyone interested in Open Virtual Mobility Activities, and the learner competences that can be developed with such activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages21
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2018


    • Virtual Mobility
    • Open Education
    • Group Concept Mapping
    • Competence Framework


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