OpenU 1.0

Jules Alberts, Anton Finders, Harrie Martens, Matija Obreza, Leon Schaeps, Aad Slootmaker, Wim Slot, Jeroen Storm, Stefaan Ternier, Wim Van der Vegt, Hubert Vogten

    Research output: Non-textual formSoftwareAcademic

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    OpenU is the educational innovation environment of the Open Universiteit with the aim to provide a unique, well-functioning personal digital learning and working environment that supports people through their career for all their needs of knowledge. In OpenU new educational services are developed and tested with real users. OpenU is in use for the master Learning Sciences and by the Computer Science department. The environment is implemented as a set of portlets for the Liferay 6 EE (version 6 SP2) portal. This is the 1.0 release of the OpenU software platform. Development is ongoing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Jan 2013


    • OpenU
    • Open Universiteit
    • Educational software
    • Liferay
    • Java
    • Eclipse


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