Portability of Serious Game Software Components

Wim van der Vegt*, Wim Westera, Hub Kurvers, Enkhbold Nyamsuren

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    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review

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    In recent studies, a component-based software engineering framework (RCSAA) has been proposed to accommodate the reuse of game software components across diverse game engines, platforms, and programming languages. This study follows up on this by a more detailed investigation of the portability of a RCSAA-compliant game software component across three principal programming languages: C#, JavaScript (TypeScript), and Java, respectively, and their integration in game engines for these languages. One operational RCSAA-compliant component in C# is taken as the starting point for porting to the other languages. For each port, a detailed analysis of language-specific features is carried out to examine and preserve the equivalence of transcompiled code. Also, implementation patterns of required RSCAA constructs are analysed for each programming language and practical workaround solutions are proposed. This study demonstrates that the software patterns and design solutions used in the RCSAA are easily portable across programming languages based on very different programming paradigms. It thereby establishes the practicability of the RSCAA architecture and the associated integration of RCSAA-compliant game components under real-world conditions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIEEE Conference on Games 2019
    Subtitle of host publicationLondon, United Kingdom 20-23 August 2019
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Electronic)9781728118840
    ISBN (Print)9781728118857
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2019
    EventIEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 2019 - Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom
    Duration: 20 Aug 201923 Aug 2019


    ConferenceIEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 2019
    Abbreviated titleCOG 2019
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


    • RAGE
    • Serious game
    • applied game
    • asset
    • component
    • gamification
    • portability
    • reuse


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