Practice-based research methods to guide designing for situated (networked) learning

Maarten De Laat, Steven Verjans, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Rob Martens

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic

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    The title of the conference is ‘Practice-based research methods’, and the different contributions will look at practice-based research methods from different perspectives. The main perspectives will be: – Situated knowledge, practice and networks – Practice-based research and valorisation – Networked learning – Significance of context – Designing practice-based research
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Sept 2016
    EventPractice-based research methods- to guide designing for situated (networked) knowledge - Open University, Heerlen, Netherlands
    Duration: 20 Sept 201620 Sept 2016


    ConferencePractice-based research methods- to guide designing for situated (networked) knowledge


    • networked learning
    • practice-based research
    • situated knowledge
    • mini conference
    • Trends in learning sciences


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