Privacy and the Internet of Things (IoT) Monitoring Solutions for Older Adults: a review

Sami Alkhatib, Jenny Waycott, George Buchanan, R. Bosua

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review

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    The rapid increase in the number of older adults in developed countries has raised concerns about their well-being and increasing need for healthcare. New technologies, including Internet of Things, are being used to monitor older adults’ health and activities, thus enabling them to live safely and independently at home as they age. However, Internet of Things monitoring solutions create privacy challenges that need to be addressed. This review examines how privacy has been conceptualised in studies proposing new Internet of Things solutions for monitoring older adults. The literature reviewed mostly links privacy with information security and unauthorised accessibility threats. There is a limited consideration of other aspects of privacy such as confidentiality and secondary use of users’ information. We argue that developers of Internet of Things solutions that aim to monitor and collect health data about older adults need to adopt an expanded view of privacy. This will ensure that safeguards are built in to Internet of Things devices to protect and maintain users’ privacy while also enabling the appropriate sharing of data to support older adults’ safety and wellbeing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationConnecting the System to Enhance the Practitioner and Consumer Experience in Healthcare
    Subtitle of host publicationSelected Papers from the 26th Australian National Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2018)
    EditorsElizabeth Cummings, Angela Ryan, Louise K. Schaper
    PublisherIOS Press
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1-61499-890-7
    ISBN (Print)978-1-61499-889-1
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2018
    Event26th Australian National Health Informatics Conference: Australia's premier digital health, health informatics and e-health conference - Sydney, Australia
    Duration: 29 Jul 20181 Aug 2018

    Publication series

    SeriesStudies in Health and Technology


    Conference26th Australian National Health Informatics Conference
    Abbreviated titleHIC 2018
    Internet address


    • Internet of Things
    • aged care
    • monitoring
    • privacy


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