Quality Reference Framework (QRF) for the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Developed by MOOQ in close collaboration with all interested parties worldwide

Christian M. Stracke, Esther Tan, António Moreira Texeira, Maria do Carmo Pinto, Bill Vassiliadis, Achilles Kameas, Cleo Sgouropoulou, Gérard Vidal

    Research output: Book/ReportTechnical reportAcademic

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    This document contains the Quality Reference Framework (QRF) developed by the European Alliance for the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), called MOOQ.
    The Quality Reference Framework consists of three dimensions:
    Dimension 1: Phases Analysis, Design, Implementation, Realization, Evaluation
    Dimension 2: Perspectives Pedagogical, Technological, and Strategic
    Dimension 3: Roles Designer, Facilitator, and Provider
    It is most important to note that MOOC designers, facilitators and providers have to select the appropriate and relevant phases and processes according to their situation, the learning objectives, target groups, context and conditions. Some processes are already decided and (partly or completely) defined by pre-conditions and requirements (e.g., the available resources, budget and staff).
    In addition, the Quality Reference Framework provides the QRF Key Quality Criteria and the QRF Quality Checklist for designing and developing MOOCs. Main target groups of the Quality Reference Framework are the designers, facilitators and providers of MOOCs as well as the MOOC learners.
    The Quality Reference Framework can be used to analyse the needs and demands for MOOCs, to design, develop and implement new MOOCs and to evaluate and improve existing MOOCs.
    The main benefits of the Quality Reference Framework are:
    • It provides a generic framework that can be adapted to each specific context.
    • It identifies key quality criteria for better orientation on the MOOC design.
    • It presents a checklist for the quality development and evaluation of MOOCs.
    • It enables a continuous improvement cycle for MOOC design and provision.
    The Quality Reference Framework is based on the International ISO standard ISO/IEC 40180 (former ISO/IEC 19796-1) and the results from the mixed methods research by MOOQ.
    MOOQ has achieved huge impact at the local, regional, European and international levels: MOOQ could reach out to more than 100,000 MOOC learners, designers, facilitators and providers through the MOOQ dissemination and exploitation activities.
    In addition, in close cooperation with European and international institutions and associations, MOOQ could involve in the QRF finalization more than 10,000 MOOC learners, designers, facilitators and providers through the Global MOOC Quality Survey, the MOOQ presentations and workshops at regional, European and international conferences as well as communication and collaboration in traditional channels and social media.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages36
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Quality Reference Framework (QRF)
    • Massive Online Open Education Quality (MOOQ)
    • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
    • Open Education
    • Open Learning
    • design
    • quality
    • ISO/IEC 40180
    • QRF Quality Indicators
    • QRF Quality Checklist
    • pedagogical model
    • online education


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