Refining Success and Dropout in MOOCs Based on the Intention-Behaviour Gap

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic

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    Currently success measurement of MOOCs is certificate- and completion-centric and fails to take student intention into account. This results in high dropout rates of 90-95%. While this view of success has been critiqued by the research community, no suitable alternative has yet been developed. This study addresses this gap and proposes a theoretically grounded model for measuring success and dropout in MOOCs.The reasoned action approach (RAA) by Fishbein & Ajzen (2010), which centers around the formation of an intention to achieve certain goals, serves as a theoretical framework for our model, in particular the intention-behaviour gap. A new typology of MOOC-takers based on intention-behaviour patterns is proposed. In addition, state and flow diagrams reflect the complexity and dynamics of this process. This model redefines success in MOOCs as all MOOC-takers who achieve their individually intended goals are considered successful. The model also provides insight into the dynamics of the intention-behaviour process on an individual level and therefor into possible reasons that can cause the intention-behaviour gap.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2016
    EventThe ICO International Fall School 2016 - Bad Schussenried, Germany
    Duration: 31 Oct 20164 Nov 2016
    Conference number: 12


    ConferenceThe ICO International Fall School 2016
    Abbreviated title ICO IFS2016
    CityBad Schussenried
    Internet address


    • Intention
    • Behavior
    • MOOCs
    • Online learning
    • Success
    • dropout
    • intention-behavior gap


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