Repository Services for Outcome-based Learning

Michael Totschnig, Michael Derntl, Israel Gutiérrez, Jad Najjar, Roland Klemke, Joris Klerkx, Erik Duval, Franz Müller

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Despite the existence of numerous standards and specifications in technology-enhanced learning, there is a lack of interoperability of artifacts and services throughout the whole lifecycle of outcome-based education. In this paper we present the concept and prototypical implementation of an open architecture that aims to remedy these issues by providing a unified metadata and service layer for making key educational resources sharable, storable, findable, and interoperable. The reference model and its supporting technology architecture are tested by a family of prototypes implemented as extensions to or adaptations of existing mainstream systems like Moodle, .LRN, Elgg and Facebook.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2010


    • outcome-oriented education
    • learning object repository
    • middle layer


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