Representing CSCL macro-scripts using IMS LD lessons learned

Colin Tattersall, Rob Koper, D. Burgos Solans, Hernández-Leo Davinia

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic

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    This paper analyses how CSCL (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning) macro-scripts can be implemented using IMS Learning Design (LD). CSCL macro-scripts are machine-readable collaboration scripts that structure the activities making up a learning process. In order to support a systematic analysis of the problem, we point out the requirements of CSCL macro-scripts for their representation using LD. These requirements include common collaborative learning mechanisms (group composition, role and resource distribution and coordination) and flexibility demands (such as flexible group composition). Each of these needs is described and illustrated by means of two examples proposed in the literature and which reflect the identified requirements well: Universanté and ArgueGraph Scripts. These scripts are used in the article to expose and exemplify the realization of the requirements using LD. The problem is approached from two angles – that of the LD notation itself and also from related tools and specifications. The paper positions related work and discusses the possibility of generalizing the lessons learned to the representation of CSCL micro-scripts.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2007
    Event2nd European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - Crete, Greece
    Duration: 17 Sept 200720 Sept 2007


    Conference2nd European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
    Abbreviated titleEC-TEL 2007
    Internet address


    • CSCL
    • IMS Learning Design


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