Requirements for Scenarios and Prototypes: WEKIT D1.4

Milos Kravcik (Editor), Peter De Lange, Istvan Koren, Ralf Klamma, Kaj Helin, Timo Kuula, Jazz Rasool, Carl Smith, Brigitta Zics, Roland Klemke

    Research output: Book/ReportDeliverable

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    In WP1 the WEKIT consortium develops a framework for wearable experience, specifies a corresponding methodology for vocational training, creates suitable application scenarios, and derives requirements for the technological platform accordingly. The first findings are documented in the Deliverables 1.1-4. This deliverable (D1.4) is the first outcome of the WEKIT Task 1.4 Requirements for Scenarios and Technological platform, where the stakeholders can continuously collect, update, and negotiate requirements for Wearable Technology (WT) and Augmented Reality (AR) solutions, which should be developed in this project. The end-user requirements have been elicited through co-design activities and captured in Requirements Bazaar, a social requirements engineering toolkit that was initially developed by RWTH in the ROLE project and was awarded the best demo paper award at the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering in 2013. Later on it was successfully used also in other projects, including Learning Layers. The House of Quality (HoQ) approach was adopted to offer a consulting tool for assessing technological options and comparing available tools for AR based workplace learning support. Here we present the current status of the collected requirements, which will inform our developments in the technical work packages WP2-WP5. This report will be later on updated in M21 and M36.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages32
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2016


    • WEKIT
    • Requirements
    • Scenarios
    • Aumented Reality
    • Wearables


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