Self-adhesivity in lattices of abstract conditional independence models

Tobias Boege*, Janneke H. Bolt, Milan Studeny

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We introduce an algebraic concept of the frame for abstract conditional independence (CI) models, together with basic operations with respect to which such a frame should be closed: copying and marginalization. Three standard examples of such frames are (discrete) probabilistic CI structures, semi-graphoids and structural semi-graphoids. We concentrate on those frames which are closed under the operation of set-theoretical intersection because, for these, the respective families of CI models are lattices. This allows one to apply the results from lattice theory and formal concept analysis to describe such families in terms of implications among CI statements.
The central concept of this paper is that of self-adhesivity defined in algebraic terms, which is a combinatorial reflection of the self-adhesivity concept studied earlier in context of polymatroids and information theory. The generalization also leads to a self-adhesivity operator defined on the meta-level of CI frames. We answer some of the questions related to this approach and raise other open questions.
The core of the paper is in computations. The combinatorial approach to computation might overcome some memory and space limitation of software packages based on polyhedral geometry, in particular, if SAT solvers are utilized. We characterize some basic CI families over 4 variables in terms of canonical implications among CI statements. We apply our method in information-theoretical context to the task of entropic region demarcation over 5 variables.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)196-225
Number of pages30
JournalDiscrete Applied Mathematics
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2025


  • Boolean satisfiability
  • Conditional independence
  • Lattice (order theory)
  • Pseudo-closed element
  • Self-adhesivity
  • Semi-graphoid


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