Semantic Networks as Means for Goal-Directed Formative Feedback

Marco Kalz, Adriana Berlanga, Peter Van Rosmalen, Slavi Stoyanov, Jan Van Bruggen, Rob Koper

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Providing formative feedback is a time-consuming activity for tutors. In the framework of the European funded projects TENCompetence and LTfLL ("Language Technologies for Lifelong Learning") we are currently exploring several methods to provide formative feedback using a comparison between expert semantic networks, based on course materials and tutor notes, and networks generated from student text materials. In this paper we explain the rationale behind this approach, give a short overview about possible implementations and discuss a validation scenario with medical students of the University of Manchester.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 3 Apr 2009


    • lsa
    • semantic networksLTfLL
    • TENCompetence
    • formative feedback


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