Social Network Analysis Tool for Navigation Support of Learners in Learning Networks

Hendrik Drachsler, Malik Koné

    Research output: Non-textual formSoftwareAcademic

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    An analysis tool created in Netlogo to analyse emergent effects of recommender systems in Learning Network experiments. It is mainly used to observe and compare the “variety” and the “length” of learning paths in a Learning Networks. In order to run the analysis tool you have to create a control group (cc-data.txt) and experimental groups file (ec-data.txt). Please keep the semantic of the present files like: User ID "Username" Course ID 80 "Username" 23 80 "Username" 26 87 "Username" 23 The data is ordered according to the completion of the courses. Thus, the learner that first finished a course stands on top of the list. All other completed courses are listed according to the time stamp they were successfully completed. For further information please have a look at: - -
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2008


    • Learning Networks
    • Social Network Analysis
    • Netlogo
    • Simulation


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