Social Software and Web2.0 in Teacher Education and Teacher Training

Marion Gruber

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportProfessional

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    This report describes and analyses the Share.TEC pilot „Social Software and Web2.0 in Teacher Education and Teacher Training”. In the pilot we focused on the use of social software and web2.0 tools and services in teacher education and teacher training. It resulted in a wiki that can get used as an educational resource for teaching and learning. The wiki provides a platform for the community of practice for exploring and analysing social web for educational purposes, and is open to educational researchers and practitioners. Furthermore, the wiki has been added to ShareTECʼs open educational resources repository.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Aug 2011


    • Share.TEC
    • e-learning
    • social web
    • teacher education
    • teacher training
    • social media
    • web2.0
    • education
    • wiki
    • OER


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