
In this research, we explore the concept of supply chain resilience and which skills are most relevant for supply chain managers to deal with changes (limitations/risks/etc). To shed light on these topics, we employed an exploratory approach. Based on the results of a survey distributed amongst supply chain practioners in The Netherlands, we offer insights about the skills required of supply chain decision makers to ensure organizational resilience, as well as which conceptualization of resilience (engineering versus social-ecological) is dominant amongst practioners. We provide insights for educators to take into account when developing the intended learning outcomes of supply chain education.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023
EventIPSERA 2023 conference: Systemic change - Eada Business School , Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 2 Apr 20235 Apr 2023
Conference number: 32nd


ConferenceIPSERA 2023 conference
Abbreviated titleIPSERA conference
Internet address


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