Studying novice and experienced teachers’ visual perception and interpretations of classroom situations

Charlotte Wolff, Niek Van den Bogert, Jan Van Bruggen, Halszka Jarodzka, Wim Jochems, Els Boshuizen

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic

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    This poster presents the results of a study investigating differences between novice and experienced teachers’ perceptions and descriptions of classroom management events. Two researchers worked collaboratively to analyze the data in different ways. The results of one researcher focus on how experienced and novice teachers detect and identify relevant classroom events. Measurements of eye movements are used to understand the visual perception of the classroom and determine how novice teachers differ from experienced teachers. These results were based on the mouse-clicking behavior and eye movements of teachers as they viewed recorded videos of authentic classroom lessons. The results of the other researcher are drawn from the verbalizations provided by teachers’ as they described which classroom events related to classroom management concerns were taking place in the video and explained how these events were related to classroom management. To underline the interuniversity collaboration (between the Open University of the Netherlands & Eindhoven University of Technology) producing these studies, the outcomes of both studies – one focused mainly on the visual perception of teachers and the other on the verbal interpretations of teachers – are presented together in one poster.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2012
    EventOpen University Research Day - Heerlen, Netherlands
    Duration: 5 Oct 20125 Oct 2012


    OtherOpen University Research Day


    • eye tracking
    • teacher expertise
    • verbal data
    • expertise differences
    • classroom management
    • visual perception


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