Supporting curriculum development by visualizing a continuous learning pathway

Judith Schoonenboom, Wil Oud

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    This paper shows how a continuous learning pathway can help actors involved in the development of an open curriculum. A continuous learning pathway shows for one competence area or one subject the continuity and sequence within the curriculum over a period of many years, enclosing more than one school type or training type It displays the learning objectives formulated at several levels, and makes visible how they build on each other. The continuous learning pathway helps teachers, learners and school managers in selecting learning activities and learning materials. A case study is presented in which a continuous learning pathway and diverse visualizations of it were developed for audiovisual media education in Dutch primary and secondary schools.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2006
    EventTENCompetence Conference - Sofia, Bulgaria
    Duration: 30 Mar 200631 Mar 2006


    ConferenceTENCompetence Conference


    • Continuous learning pathway
    • TENCompetence
    • Life long learning


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