Supporting Social Interaction in Intelligent Competence Development Systems

Bertrand Sereno, Eleni Boursinou, Katrina Maxwell, Albert Angehrn

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    This paper addresses the challenge of enhancing lifelong Competence Development and Management Systems with advanced features enhancing social interaction. Such features include network visualizations and browsing, intelligent agents and game dynamics aimed at supporting users seeking advice throughout their competence development process. In particular, we are exploring the design and impact of software agents providing personalized and contextualized stimulus and support based on user objectives and social network information. We describe how we envision embedding such agents in Competence Development Systems to help users “connect” to other users as well as to relevant competence development opportunities and relevant knowledge assets. Our ultimate objective is to increase system usage towards a sustainable level of knowledge exchange and creation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2007


    • “intelligent” agents
    • lifelong competence development and management system
    • knowledge management in virtual communities


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