Teachers as (re-)designers of an ICT-rich learning environment for early literacy

Amina Cviko, Susan McKenney, Joke Voogt

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Teachers often struggle to implement ICT-integrated curricula in kindergartens. Since teacher participation in ICT rich curriculum development potentially benefits curriculum implementation, this study investigates two forms of teacher involvement in curriculum. A case study method is used to study 4 teachers as redesigners and 3 teachers as co-designers of a ICT rich curriculum. Interviews are used to study teacher perceptions about their role and about the curriculum. To study the (re)-design process accounts were made during team meetings. Observations were made of the actual implementation of (re)-designed curricula. Pre-and post test on emergent literacy was used to examine pupil learning outcomes. In both teams teachers engaged in exchange of perspectives, contributed equally to decision making and have reached a team outcome. Teachers in both teams perceived themselves as co-owner, had positive perceptions about quality and practicality of the (re)-designed and curriculum. Doubts about teachers responsibility taking the role of redesigner have been reported in the resdesigner team. Findings indicate that the extent of integration of on-and off computer activities was higher in the class of teacher as designer compared to redesigner classes, as well as pupil learning outcomes. Tentatively it can be concluded that the role of teacher as designer does impact more positively effective curriculum implementation, than the role of redesigner.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2012
    EventThe ECER annual meeting - Berlin, Germany
    Duration: 13 Sept 201116 Sept 2011


    ConferenceThe ECER annual meeting


    • curriculum
    • design


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