Teachers’ monitoring of students’ text comprehension: can students’ keywords and summaries improve teachers’ judgment accuracy?

J.A.A. Engelen, G. Camp, J. van de Pol, Anique De Bruin

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    8 Citations (Web of Science)


    We investigated intra-individual monitoring and regulation in learning from text in sixth-grade students and their teachers. In Experiment 1, students provided judgments of learning (JOLs) for six texts in one of three cue-prompt conditions (after writing delayed keywords or summaries or without a cue prompt) and then selected texts for restudy. Teachers also judged their students’ learning for each text, while seeing - if present - the keywords or summaries each student had written for each text, and also selected texts for restudy. Overall, monitoring accuracy was low (.10 for students, −.02 for teachers) and did not differ between cue-prompt conditions. Regulation, indexed by the correlation between JOLs and restudy selections, was significant (−.38 for students, −.60 for teachers), but was also not affected by cue-prompt condition. In Experiment 2, teachers judged students’ comprehension of six texts without knowing the students’ names, so that only the keywords and summaries, not prior impressions, could inform judgments. Again, monitoring accuracy was generally low (.06), but higher for keywords (.23) than for summaries (−.10). These results suggest that monitoring intra-individual differences in students’ learning is challenging for teachers. Analyses of the diagnosticity and utilization of keywords suggest that these may contain insufficient cues for improving teacher judgments at this level of specificity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)287-307
    Number of pages21
    JournalMetacognition and Learning
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Dec 2018


    • CUE
    • Cue diagnosticity
    • Keyword generation
    • MEMORY
    • Metacognitive monitoring
    • RECALL
    • Reading comprehension
    • Self-regulated learning
    • TIME
    • Teacher judgments


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