Teaching High-Ability Pupils in Early Primary School

Elma Dijkstra

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisThesis 1: fully internal

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    This thesis describes the design and implementation of the intervention 'Excel Kwadraat' in primary schools. This intervention aims to improve teachers’ differentiation practices in order to better anticipate pupil differences, including excellent or high-ability pupils. In the end, the intervention aims at enhancing the academic achievement of both high-ability and non-high-ability early primary school pupils. The intervention includes screening pupils’ school-entry characteristics, matching their needs with curricular activity levels, and implementing a school-wide approach to differentiation and high-ability. The central question in this thesis is: does Excel Kwadraat, compared with regular education, positively affect high-ability pupils’ academic achievement? To answer this question, a number of studies were set up that focus on current teaching practices for high-ability pupils, and the design, development, implementation, and effects of Excel Kwadraat in early primary school.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • Kirschner, Paul, Supervisor
    • Mooij, Ton, Supervisor
    • Walraven, Amber, Co-supervisor, External person
    Thesis sponsors
    Award date13 Nov 2015
    Place of PublicationUtrecht, the Netherlands
    Print ISBNs978 94 922 3118 5
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2015


    • high-ability
    • teaching
    • early primary school


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