TENCompetence Learning Design Toolkit, Runtime component, ccsi_v3_2_10c_v1_4

Paul Sharples, Kris Popat, Lau Llobet, Patricia Santos, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Yongwu Miao, David Griffiths, Phillip Beauvoir

    Research output: Non-textual formSoftwareAcademic

    9 Downloads (Pure)


    This is the source code of the TENCompetence Learning Design Toolkit, as released in July 2009. It inlcudes files for SLeD, Wookie, and CCSI
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Jan 2010


    • IMS Learning Design
    • IMS QTI
    • CopperCore
    • SLeD
    • APIS
    • Wookie
    • TENCompetence
    • Learning Design Toolkit


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