The 3R study strategy to improve text retention and text comprehension

Pauline Reijners, Liesbeth Kester, Sandra Wetzels, Paul A. Kirschner

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    The research reported on investigates the contribution of the read-recite-review (3R) study strategy to improve both students’ text retention and text comprehension. Both the effect of intentional learning with inserted verbatim or comprehension questions during reading and retrieval compared to incidental learning by performing free recall and the effect of transfer appropriate processing during learning on final test performance (repeated and new questions) are investigated. One hundred and thirty-one first-year students participated and they were randomly divided in four intentional (1-4) and one incidental learning condition (5): (1) two times verbatim questions, (2) two times comprehension questions, (3) verbatim-comprehension questions, (4) comprehension-verbatim questions and (5) free recall. During the presentation the results of the study are presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013
    Event15th Biennial Conference EARLI 2013: Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning - TUM School of Education, Munich, Germany
    Duration: 27 Aug 201331 Aug 2013


    Conference15th Biennial Conference EARLI 2013
    Abbreviated titleEARLI 2013
    Internet address


    • 3R-study strategy
    • intentional learning
    • incidental learning
    • inserted questions
    • transfer appropriate processing


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