The 8 Learning Events Model: a Pedagogic Conceptual Tool Supporting Diversification of Learning Methods

Dominique Verpoorten, M Poumay, D Leclercq

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    This paper presents the 8 Learning Events Model (8LEM), a pedagogical reference framework which was used, in more than 100 online course, as a starting point for instructional planning. Besides supporting teachers in early stages of the learning design continuum, the paper shows how this learning/teaching model, as a professional development tool, prompts them to diversify the learning methods experienced by students in their courses. A two-pronged rationale about the importance of this diversification with respect to "mathetic" competence development and epistemology is also proposed to discussion. Keywords: mathetical competences, learning methods, teacher's professional development.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2006


    • TENCompetence
    • 8 LEM


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