The influence of reflection and rumination on psychological well-being of employees

ICM Van Seggelen - Damen

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


    Previous research has demonstrated that the way in which employees regulate their emotions determines their psychological well-being. One way to regulate emotions, and associated with positive well-being, is reflection. We studied the impact of reflection and rumination as emotion-focused coping strategies on engagement and burn-out among employees of fourteen Dutch organizations in the Netherlands, Belgium and Canada. We also examined the moderating influence of self-efficacy and rumination on the relationship between stress factors such as interpersonal conflict in the workplace and burn-out. Our findings indicate that reflection is positively associated to self-efficacy and rumination, and that rumination acts as an emotion-focused coping strategy that relates to impaired psychological well-being. Furthermore, engaged employees are less likely to burn out, and less engaged employees ruminate more and have a greater chance of experiencing a burn-out. In sum, employees could become more engaged when they learn to transform rumination into an effective emotion-focused coping strategy. Additionally, helping employees to increase self-efficacy could decrease the risk of experiencing a burn-out.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event7th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP) - Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Duration: 1 Jul 20144 Jul 2014


    Conference7th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP)
    Abbreviated titleECPP 2014


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