The quality of open online education and learning: Towards a quality reference framework for moocs

C.M. Stracke, E.B.K. Tan

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    This paper aims to address the quality issues of Open Online learning and education with
    a focus on MOOCs. Specifically, our research goal is to develop the Quality Reference
    Framework (QRF) with quality indicators and tools in close collaboration with all
    interested stakeholders worldwide. Based on a literature review and analysis of existing
    quality approaches and quality indicators for MOOCs, the Global MOOC Quality Survey
    was designed and targeted at three core interest groups of MOOCs: MOOC learners,
    MOOC designers and MOOC facilitators. A total of n=267 took part in the survey. The
    survey results were complemented with 45 semi-structured interviews where MOOC
    designers, facilitators and providers were involved. This is to provide a more coherent
    picture of the issue on quality of MOOCs by investigating the issue of MOOC quality from
    diverse perspectives. The paper presents first results from the survey, semi-structured
    interviews and the feedback from workshops at international conferences.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventEARLI 6/7 meeting: Instructional Design and Technology for 21st century learning: Challenges, solutions and future directions - Bonn, Germany
    Duration: 22 Aug 201824 Aug 2018


    ConferenceEARLI 6/7 meeting
    Internet address


    • Quality Reference Framework (QRF)
    • MOOCs
    • MOOQ
    • Learning Design
    • Pedagogical Model
    • Online Education


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