Towards empirical analysis of educational innovations in organizations: An actor centred model based on the IAD framework

Martine Schophuizen, M. Kalz

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic

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    - There is a need for more empirical studies on internal institutional implementation- and adoption- mechanisms of open online education (Schophuizen, Kreijns, Stoyanov & Kalz, 2018). - There is no agreed upon approach that integrates the complex socio- technological interplay with the structuration of actors and the surrounding rules and resources in their multi-level environment. - The framework we propose fits better with attributes of OOE as a knowledge common by overcoming the dualism of individual vs. organization.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2018
    EventCHER 31st Annual Conference: Differentiation and Integration of Higher Education: Patterns and Dynamics - The National Research University Higher School of Economics , Moscow, Russian Federation
    Duration: 30 Aug 20181 Sept 2018
    http://CHER 31st Annual Conference


    ConferenceCHER 31st Annual Conference
    Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
    Internet address


    • IAD framework
    • Open Online Education
    • MOOCs
    • Educational innovation


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    • SOONER: The Structuration of Open Online Education in the Netherlands

      Kalz, M. (PI), Kester, L. (CoI), van Rosmalen, P. (CoI), Janssen, J. (CoI), Van Leeuwen, A. (CoI), Kreijns, K. (CoI), Henderikx, M. (Junior researcher), Kasch, J. (Junior researcher), Jansen, R. (Junior researcher) & Schophuizen, M. (Junior researcher)


      Project: Research

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