Understanding the design research process: The evolution of a professional development program in Indian slums

Susan McKenney, Harini Raval, Jules Pieters

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Although para-teachers make up a substantial portion of the world’s educational work force, little empirical research has been conducted on their professional development. During the iterative process of analysis, design, evaluation, and revision, design research was conducted to gain insight into desirable characteristics of a professional development program for Indian para-teachers in urban slums. The design study flanking evolution of the para-teacher professional development program helped (re)shape each cycle of implementation, and to track lasting effects on organizational climate, teacher agency and pupil learning. Because long-term, high-quality design studies in the field of education are rare, this paper focuses on the research approach, and its affordances for contributing to theory-development while also capturing and speaking to the needs of practitioners. This paper is highly relevant to those interested in seeing the design research approach come to life in cooperation with the stakeholders involved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2012
    EventAnnual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Inciting the social imagination - New Orleans, United States
    Duration: 8 Apr 201112 Apr 2011


    ConferenceAnnual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
    Abbreviated titleAERA 2011
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityNew Orleans


    • design research
    • professional development


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