Urban Myths about Learning and Education

Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul A. Kirschner, Casper Hulshof

    Research output: Book/ReportBookProfessional

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    In this book, the most common popular myths relating to learning and education are discussed with respect to whether there is any truth in the myth and what good educational and psychological research has to say about them. Examples of such myths range from: learning styles to neuromyths such as left-brain/right-brain and brain-training programs, how large or small classes and schools should be to the explanation why schools do change (no, really!). This book is written in a concise, humorous, and accessible style, but at the same time based on an extensive scientific review of relevant empirical research. By the way, did you know that there are no pyramids in the work of Maslow and that the NTL has no data to back up Dales’ learning pyramid? Not only does the book debunk most of these Urban Legends in Education, it also discloses some interesting facts about learning and education that do have a proven effect. This book is neither progressive nor conservative; it only attempts to get the facts straight and present them in a way that those involved in teaching and education can understand and use them. The book consists of four content-based sections (i.e., groups of chapters), with each chapter examining a particular genre of myth. The four content based sections are: ‘myths about learning’, ‘neuromyths’, ‘myths about technology and education’ and ‘myths about educational policy’. A fifth and final section discusses why these myths are so persistent (i.e., nearly impossible to eradicate) and possible strategies to combat them. Besides the basic ‘need to know’-text, throughout the book, there are also ‘info-clouds’ with ‘nice to know’ information adding background information, additional facts and humorous anecdotes.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationSan Diego, CA
    Number of pages226
    ISBN (Electronic)9780128017319
    ISBN (Print)978-0-12-801537-7
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Mar 2015


    • Urban myths
    • Urban legends
    • Education
    • Teaching
    • Learning


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