Using the IMS Learning Design notation for the modelling and delivery of education

Colin Tattersall, Tim Sodhi, D. Burgos Solans, Rob Koper

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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    IMS Learning Design (IMSLD) is a notation system for learning and instruction. It supports the description of learning processes using a set of standardised concepts, including roles, activities, acts, objectives and prerequisites. With the availability of such a notation, descriptions of learning processes can be shared, critiqued, modified, rated, compared and evaluated. Moreover, the machine-interpretable nature of the notation means that designs can be executed by software to support the dynamic orchestration of multi-learner, multi-role learning processes. This chapter introduces IMSLD and describes experience with its use, supported by the first generation of tooling. We then combine these experiences with observations on the tools in the light of new developments in e-learning in order to derive a set of requirements for IMSLD-enabled visual design environments.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHandbook of Visual Languages for Instructional Design
    Subtitle of host publicationTheories and Practices
    EditorsLuca Botturi, Todd Stubbs
    Place of PublicationHershey, New York
    PublisherIGI Global
    ISBN (Electronic)9781599047317
    ISBN (Print)9781599047294, 1599047292
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • IMS Learning Design
    • Editing tools
    • Notation
    • Design Environments


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