Weblogs as learning tools for aspirant reflective practitioners

Iwan Wopereis, Peter Sloep

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic

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    Weblogs, a mainstream social software, allow for externalizing thinking processes and subsequent review, and thus offer rich opportunities for modelling, reflection and feedback. We studied the assumption that weblogs are suitable tools to support and stimulate reflection on action in teacher training in the Netherlands. At the Alpine Rendez-Vous we would like to discuss the findings of our study, which include moderate positive findings with regard to reflection learning and technology use. Both (instructional) design issues and concerns related to the implementation of weblogs will be presented (e.g., the relation with e-portfolio). In addition, we would like to consider the redefinition of teacher training expertise needed for using weblog technology and the role of the (incipient) expert in the context of Web 2.0-powered changes in knowledge creation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    EventWorkshop on Teacher-led Inquiry and Learning Design: The Virtuous Circle - Villard‐de‐Lans, Vercors, France
    Duration: 28 Jan 20131 Feb 2013


    WorkshopWorkshop on Teacher-led Inquiry and Learning Design
    Abbreviated titleARV 2013
    City Villard‐de‐Lans, Vercors


    • reflection
    • reflection on action
    • weblog
    • blog
    • teacher education
    • teacher training
    • reflective practice
    • reflective practitioner
    • social software
    • social media


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