A Knowledge Sharing System for outsourcing Healthcare Technology

  • S, Mulder

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Knowledge sharing is essential for successful ICT outsourcing. Certain conditions can facilitate this and are increasingly part of a Knowledge Sharing System. Outsourcing of healthcare technology is seen as a solution to various challenges facing the healthcare sector, but there is no research available to determine whether these facilitating conditions also apply. This research is designed to fill that gap and investigates the relevance of 20 facilitating conditions for outsourcing of healthcare technology. The research also investigates whether the actual application of these conditions leads to greater satisfaction with the outsourcing.
The research shows that out of the 20 conditions, 10 are relevant. These are in descending order of relevance: the extent to which parties invest in the relationship, direct personal contact, a clear project goal, clear descriptions of rights and obligations, degree of communication, duration of the cooperation, type of organization, experience of the relationship manager, type of employee and degree of cooperation. The research also shows that actual stipulation of expectations of these conditions increases the chance of a satisfactory outsourcing.
The research gives 6 suggestions for further research to help formulate robust Knowledge Sharing Systems and increase the chance of satisfaction with the outsourcing.
Date of Award25 Jun 2023
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorLianne Cuijpers (Examiner) & Ben Roelens (Co-assessor)


  • Knowledge sharing
  • Outsourcing
  • Knowledge management
  • Healthcare technology
  • Facilitating conditions

Master's Degree

  • Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)

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