This research focuses on conformance checking between a simplified generally accepted process flow and an existing dataset. The dataset is retrieved from the BPI Challenge 2019, which includes a purchase order handling process. The dataset of the purchase process is explored by use of business process mining, specifically using the research technology ProM. The business case used within this research is specified towards the purchase process. The simplified generally accepted process flow is set up within this research by use of a Petri net, in which the process flow is extended with the actual payment of the purchases. The research proposes and then evaluates a conformance checking technique. In doing so, the theoretical and practical benefits and disadvantages of conformance checking between a generally accepted process flow, as set up within a Petri net model and containing a fairly limited number of process steps, and event log are elaborated upon during the research. The benefits and disadvantages are herein related to the outcome of the proposed method and the corresponding gain in insights. As such, this research contributes to the current literature with respect to business rule mining.
- Business rule mining
- conformance checking
- generally accepted process flow
- ProM
- purchase process
- BPI Challenge 2019
- Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)
Conformance checking between a simplified generally accepted process model by use of a Petri net and a dataset of event logs
Peulen, L. J. J. C. (Author). 21 Jun 2020
Student thesis: Master's Thesis