Software documentation and architecture design is an important aspect of the software lifecycle and improvement on this has been going on for years. With the rise of Agile development, the goal is set to create a working system over comprehensive documentation. In this research a between-subjects Family of Experiments is conducted to investigate if a previously created conceptual model helps internal and external expert maintainers of known software systems to get a better understanding of the system and processes. With the intent of creating better impact analysis and even re-documenting the system.
- knowledge transfer
- Software maintenance
- conceptual model
- Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)
Draagt een kennismodel bij aan het meer concreet maken van een informatie architectuur?: Toegevoegde waarde van een kennismodel bij onderhoud van software
Groosman, S. (Author). 17 Feb 2020
Student thesis: Master's Thesis