This study is aimed at gaining insight into the assessment of the cumulative effect within appropriate assessments of the Natura2000-area Oosterschelde and how these effects are substantiated. This research was conducted in response to various uncertainties in the assessment of the cumulative effect, among others, the Dutch Bird Protection Society. Firstly, the requirements set for the assessment of the cumulative effect from the applicable laws and regulations were examined. A scientific literature study was also conducted to gain an idea of the current view from science on the assessment of the cumulative effect. Subsequently, an analysis of twenty appropriate assessments was conducted in which it was examined how these requirements were fulfilled, whether they were met and in what way the assessment was substantiated. In this way, an attempt was made to obtain a visualization of 1) how science views the assessment of cumulative effects within appropriate assessments, 2) which requirements are set by the applicable legislation and regulations and 3) in what way the cumulative effect is assessed and substantiated (e.g. scientifically, quantitatively or qualitatively) and complies with the requirements set by the applicable legislation and regulations. In this, a legal analysis was made of the European Birds Directive (2009/147/EC), the European Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the National Nature Conservation Act. In addition, twenty appropriate assessments were analysed of the Natura2000-area Oosterschelde. This study concluded that the identification of cumulative effects is often limited. The quality of the assessment of these cumulative effects and the substantiation thereof is substandard and mainly qualitative in nature.
- Passende beoordeling
- uitwijkmogelijkheden
- cumulatief effect
- ecologische draagkracht
- Oosterschelde
- Natura2000
Het cumulatief effect binnen passende beoordelingen voor het Natura2000-gebied 'de Oosterschelde'
Droogsma, R. (Author). 5 Aug 2024
Student thesis: Bachelor's Thesis