This research paper explores selection activities when an organization is orienting towards a blockchain-based system (BBS). Risks associated with these selection activities are also considered and mapped per activity. To fulfil this research scope, a theoretical background is built based on how current research approaches and examines this topic. Next to this, experts in the field of blockchain technology are interviewed. Insights derived from theory and practice are combined, mapping selection activities, their risks and further breaking down the found activities into sub-steps. The outcome is to improve the transparency behind the organizational process of selecting a BBS, helping organizations adopt this technology in the future.
- Blockchain-based system
- organizational adoption
- blockchain technology
- selection activity risks
- blockchain experts
- supply chain management
- selection activities
- Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)
Introducing Blockchain: Selection risks every company should know
Starke , R. (Author). 31 Jan 2023
Student thesis: Master's Thesis