Risks for IT Project Portfolios
: Identifying and validating risks for IT project portfolio’s through literature research and a case study of a semi-governmental organization

  • M (Marijn) Verheul

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This research is about identifying and validating the possible risks for IT project portfolios. Previous researchers developed a list of possible risks based on a review of IT project portfolio management literature and validated those risks by conducting a case study. Within this research, the risk list is redesigned by analyzing the original risk literature and the previous case study results. The new list is validated in practice though a singular case study approach, interviewing several employees with experience regarding IT PPM. The respondents were asked if they recognized listed risks from their experience, and if not, if they could imagine it being a risk. Also, the respondents were asked to substantiate their answers with argumentation and real-life examples. All the listed risks on the redesigned list were validated in practice. Also, several arguments were discovered explaining why those risks were a risk. Both results enhance the overall understanding of risks for IT PPM, guiding further scientific exploration as well as providing practical knowledge for organizations with IT PP(M).
Date of Award17 May 2020
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorRob Kusters (Examiner) & Irene Vanderfeesten (Co-assessor)


  • IT project portfolio
  • IT project portfolio management
  • risk

Master's Degree

  • Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)

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