The role of capability-based planning in the shaping of an innovation architecture domain. An exploratory study

  • J de Graef

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Continuous innovation is a strategic necessity. Companies need a set of capabilities to be innovative, track which ones have been implemented or remove the ones that are no longer part of the organization. If this ability to manage change is missing, the success of the innovation may be compromised and organizations may be limited to bring new digital services and product offerings to market.
Capability Based Planning (CBP) can help with the planning of these organizational transformations in terms of capability changes over time, by creating, improving, eliminating or outsourcing capabilities.
With a literature review and empirical research, insights were gained regarding the application of CBP in the shaping of an innovation architecture domain. It was found that effective management, governance, and planning of innovation capabilities are critical for developing and delivering high quality, competitive products and services.
With these insights, organizations can better develop innovation capabilities, respond smarter to market changes, and make investments that bring the most value to the business.
In addition, it is recommended to establish clear requirements for innovation capabilities, define performance measurement indicators, and record and communicate all elements of the innovation capabilities as well as the roadmap within the organization.
Date of Award10 Mar 2023
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorKarel Lemmen (Supervisor) & Pien Walraven (Examiner)


  • Capability Based Planning
  • Innovation Capabilities
  • Innovation Strategy
  • Capability roadmap
  • Capability life cycle

Master's Degree

  • Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)

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