Trust through transparency: will it get you what you want?
: The role of policy transparency towards disclosure of students’ personal information in Higher Education Institutions

  • W. (Wouter) van Tankeren

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) are trying to keep up with the private sector in leveraging predictive analytics to inform their educational processes, but where personal information is involved privacy-related questions arise.
HEI administrators who deal with information management need to be aware of how their policy-decisions influence students’ willingness to disclose such personal information. This study aims to provide more insight into that relationship by examining the relationships between students’ perceptions on policy (i.e. transparency thereof) and its interplay with other predictive factors towards students’ disclosure intentions. To that end, students from a Dutch HEI were questioned on their own information literacy and general privacy disposition, as well as their overall trust in their institution. A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling approach was used to shed light on the influence those factors have on the relationship between students’ perceptions on transparency and their disclosure intentions. The results may be of note to HEI administrators who are involved with analytics implementations leveraging student data or other privacy-related implementations, and who need more insight into the possible consequences of their policy decisions.
Date of Award17 Aug 2020
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorLars Rieser (Examiner)


  • Transparency
  • Privacy
  • Information Literacy
  • Trust
  • Privacy Concern
  • Disclosure
  • Policy

Master's Degree

  • Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)

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