Visual attraction in Business Process Modelling
: A research into layout guidelines that improve understandability and readability of business process models

  • H. Schonewille

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Business processes exist in virtually every organization. Key in facilitating communication on processes are process models, so it is important that process models are understandable and readable. Layout of process models can contribute to understandability and readability. However, there appears to be no clear set of theoretical guidelines for layout. In this research, existing research on modelling guidelines is analysed on the presence of modelling guidelines that are specific for layout. As a synthesis, a set of layout modelling guidelines is proposed. Furthermore, layout modelling guidelines used by experts are analysed. The result of the theoretical and empirical research are recommendations on a set of modelling guidelines that impact layout and visual appeal of process models and contribute to process model understandability and readability.
Date of Award4 Jul 2021
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorIrene Vanderfeesten (Examiner) & Ben Roelens (Co-assessor)


  • Business Process Modelling
  • guidelines
  • layout
  • understandability
  • readability
  • visual appeal
  • secondary notation

Master's Degree

  • Master Business Process management & IT (BPMIT)

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